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现为中国林学会青年工作委员会常务委员,教育部高等学校林业工程类专业教学指导分委员会林产化学加工工程专业组成员,中国微生学学会会员。是Bioresource Technology,Biomass and Bioenergy,Fuel,Energy Conversion and Management,Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology,Biochemical Engineering Journal,BioResources,Chemistry Central Journal,Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology,AIChE Journal,Journal of the American Oil Chemists,International Journal of Green Energy等国际期刊的审稿人。



2008.12----       西北农林科技大学,副教授

2009.9----2011.6   芬兰赫尔辛基大学,博士后

2005.7----2008.12  西北农林科技大学,讲师

2002.9----2005.6  南京林业大学,博士

1999.9----2002.7  西南林业大学,硕士

1995.9----1999.7  西南林业大学,本科 














[1] 国家自然科学基金,木聚糖对酶水解木质纤维材料中纤维素的影响及作用机制,项目编号:31270622。

[2] 中央高校基本科研业务费,木聚糖酶在降解木质纤维材料中的作用机制,项目编号:QN2011157。

[3] 陕西省自然科学基金,半纤维素酶辅助纤维素酶高效糖化农作物秸秆机制研究,项目编号:2011JQ3007。

[4] 陕西省科技计划项目,低品位油脂资源制取液体燃料关键技术研究,项目编号:2011kjxx36。

[5] 西北农林科技大学青年学术骨干支持计划项目,半纤维素酶的应用基础研究,项目编号:Z111020903。

[6] 国家自然科学基金,酸性低聚木糖的益生元功效及抑菌活性研究,项目编号:30700631。

[7] 西北农林科技大学博士科研启动基金,低聚木糖在反刍动物生产中的应用,项目编号:01140403。



目前已在Biotechnology for Biofuels, Bioresource Technology, Fuel,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research等期刊全文发表SCI论文13篇,EI论文2篇。

[1] Junhua Zhang, Ulla Moilanen, Ming Tang, Liisa Viikari. The carbohydrate-binding module of xylanase from Nonomuraea flexuosa decreases its non-productive adsorption on lignin. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2013, 6:18. (SCI, IF2011="6.09)

[2] Junhua Zhang*, Annukka Pakarinen, Liisa Viikari. Synergy between cellulases and pectinases in the hydrolysis of hemp. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 129:302—307. (SCI, IF2011=4.98)

[3] Junhua Zhang, Ming Tang, Liisa Viikari. Xylans inhibit enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials by cellulases. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 121:8—12. (SCI, IF2011=4.98)

[4] Junhua Zhang, Jianjun Liu, Hunian Ma. Esterification of free fatty acids in Zanthoxylum bungeanum seed oil for biodiesel production by stannic chloride. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 2012, 89:1647—1653. (SCI, IF2011=1.77)

[5] Junhua Zhang, Liisa Viikari. Xylo-oligosaccharides are competitive inhibitors of cellobiohydrolase I from Thermoascus aurantiacus. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 117:286—291. (SCI, IF2011=4.98)

[6] Junhua Zhang, Lei Zhang, Lili Jia. Variables affecting biodiesel production from Zanthoxylum bungeanum seed oil with high free fatty acids. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51:3525—3530. (SCI, IF2011=2.24)

[7] Annukka Pakarinen, Junhua Zhang, Tuomas Brock, Pekka Maijala, Liisa Viikari. Enzymatic accessibility of fiber hemp is enhanced by enzymatic or chemical removal of pectin. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 107:275—281. (SCI, IF2011=4.98)

[8] Junhua Zhang, Matti Siika-aho, Maija Tenkanen, Liisa Viikari. The role of acetyl xylan esterase in solubilisation of xylan and enzymatic hydrolysis of wheat straw and giant reed. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2011, 4:60. (SCI, IF2011=6.09)

[9] Junhua Zhang, Päivi Tuomainen, Matti Siika-aho, Liisa Viikari. Comparison of the synergistic action of two thermostable xylanases from GH families 10 and 11 with thermostable cellulases in lignocellulose hydrolysis. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(19):9090—9095. (SCI, IF2011=4.98)

[10] Junhua Zhang, Matti Siika-aho, Terhi Puranen, Ming Tang, Maija Tenkanen, Liisa Viikari. Thermostable recombinant xylanases from Nonomuraea flexuosa and Thermoascus aurantiacus show distinct properties in the hydrolysis of xylans and pretreated wheat straw. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2011, 4: 12. (SCI, IF2011=6.09)

[11] Nora Szijártó, Emma Horan, Junhua Zhang, Terhi Puranen, Matti Siika-aho, Liisa Viikari. Thermostable endoglucanases in the liquefaction of hydrothermally pretreated wheat straw. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2011, 4: 2. (SCI, IF2011=6.09)

[12] Junhua Zhang, Shangxing Chen, Rui Yang, Yuanyuan Yan. Biodiesel production from vegetable oil using heterogenous acid and alkali catalyst. Fuel, 2010, 89:2939—2944. (SCI, IF2011=3.25)

[13] Junhua Zhang, Lifeng Jiang. Acid-catalyzed esterification of Zanthoxylum bungeanum seed oil with high free fatty acids for biodiesel production. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99(18): 8995—8998. (SCI, IF2011=4.98)

[14] Junhua Zhang, Xiaoping Zhang, Qiang Yong, Yong Xu, Shiyuan Yu. In vitro fermentation characterization of low concentration of xylooligosaccharides prepared from corncob xylan by Bifidobacterium adolescentis. Proceeding of international conference on pulping, papermaking and biotechnology 2008, (1): 707—711. (EI)

[15] 孙宗苹,张军华*. 酶水解木质纤维材料制取可发酵糖研究进展. 生物质化学工程,2012,46(3):39—44. (综述)

[16] 张军华,徐 勇,勇 强,卜晓莉,余世袁. 木二糖和木三糖的分离及其用于双歧杆菌的体外培养. 林产化学与工业,2005,25(1): 15—18. (EI)



[1] Junhua Zhang, Matti Siika-aho, Maija Tenkanen, Liisa Viikari. Evaluation the role of acetyl xylan esterase in enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocelluloses. 12th European training course on carbohydrates, 2012, Groningen, The Netherlands.(Poster)

[2] Liisa Viikari, Junhua Zhang, Nora Szijarto, Terhi Puranen, Matti Siika-aho. Hydrolysis of lignocellulosic raw materials by thermostable enzymes. International conference on chemical and biological utilization of biomass resources, 2010, Nanjing, China. (Oral presentation)

[3] Junhua Zhang, Nora Szijártó, P Maijala, Matti Siika-aho, Terhi Puranen, Maija Tenkanen, Liisa Viikari. Characterization of two thermostable xylanases accessory enzymes in lignocellulose hydrolysis. First symposium on biotechnology applied to lignocelluloses, 2009, Reims, France.(Poster)

[4] Junhua Zhang, Yong Qiang. In vitro fermentation of xylooligosaccharides mixture by Bifidobacterium adolescentis. International conference on pulping, papermaking and biotechnology 2008, Nanjing, China. (Oral presentation)


[1] 张军华,刘建军,康博文. 枯草芽孢杆菌及用该菌株制备γ-聚谷氨酸的方法,批准号:ZL 2008 1 0150830.7。

[2] 李秀信,张军华,余仲东,范里,田大林,郭文涛. 一种表面活性剂辅助提取香椿叶中总黄酮的方法,批准号:ZL 2010 1 0263595.1。

[3] 张宏健,凌敏,张军华,邱荣强. 一种粉状的木材胶粘剂及其制备方法,批准号:ZL 02113634.3。



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